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After-care for a Reiki Session with Rainbow Reiki Energy: 6 Tips to Integrate and Keep Blocks from Coming Back

During a Reiki session, your body is flooded with magnificent, shimmering, healing energy. Reiki heals on physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, shadow, and energetic levels. That can be a lot to take in all at once! It's a huge force for good, but it can be overwhelming so Reiki after-care is important.

Journal and tea on a side table for Reiki after-care
After-care for your Reiki session - how to integrate and keep blocks from coming back


Reiki shakes up your energy and gets things moving, and sometimes extra water can help flush out the energies that are ready to be released and help kickstart your energy flowing nicely again.

Come back to the body

Lots of people find they drift off into another state of consciousness during Reiki sessions. You may find tapping on your body or grounding practices like Earthing can help you reunite with your physical body and integrate the energetic healing.

Be gentle with yourself

Especially if you've released big blocks or drifted off into another plane of consciousness, it's important to give yourself time and space to integrate. If possible, leave some free space in your schedule after your session. This can help you get to know yourself without the blocks that you let go, and help process the shifts needed to keep them from coming back.


Reflecting on the experience can help you make sense of it. Sometimes putting your thoughts into words helps make sense of them. Taking some judgement-free time to sort through anything that may have come up can be really helpful for processing the shifts and release that may have occurred. Reiki can be like a dream where it's vivid at first, but the longer you're away from that precious state, the harder it is to remember the details and insights.

I share with my clients what blocks I removed and believe thinking through what actions or events manifested the blocks can help keep them from returning. If you know anything about what brought the blocks up, write it down! Also write any details you recall about your experience of Reiki. It can be fun to look back at the process and progress over time and between sessions. I recommend monthly or twice-monthly sessions if you're actively working through anything.

Try these specific prompts if you feel called:

  1. What did you experience during your Reiki session?

  2. What blocks did you release?

    1. Where do you think they may have come from?

    2. What shifts can you make to help prevent their return?

  3. What positive feelings did you welcome in?

    1. How can you carry them forward?

  4. Is there anything in particular you want to focus on in your next session in light of these revelations?


If you have a safe person who knows you well, it can be helpful to talk through the blocks and sensations with them. They may be able to help you uncover new insights from your session as you describe what you experienced before, during and after.

Book Another Session: Reiki after-care includes continued self-care!

Your first session may surprise you. You may have been carrying some intense blocks around for a long time. Once they have been released, you can look into new layers of yourself and work on more intricate, refined healing. You can also start to work toward your highest self and greatest potential with more sessions once you've shed old blocks.

Also, the more you interact with Reiki, the stronger your connection to Reiki is. You will learn to relax into the healing and trust its wisdom more. You will be open to higher-intensity energy (Reiki knows what you need and on what level you are ready to receive). You will learn to hear and heed the messages of Reiki more.

As humans, we're very volatile energetically. Even small interactions can shift our mood and energies. Your energy can be different today than it was yesterday, and be still different tomorrow! There's no time that's too soon to schedule another session. Reiki will always go to where it is needed most.

Contact Me!

If anything goes awry for any reason or if you're upset or confused about the blocks, please reach out. Even if you have dark blocks, your energy is still vibrant underneath! If you feel and detoxing negative emotions etc. I'm also happy to help. I'm here for you, on and off the Reiki table.

Can't wait to welcome you back in!

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Image by Yeshi Kangrang
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